Day 8, I had to work. Since it was day 8 I had to take the fiber drink this morning. Took my meal replacement shake to work. Things were super crazy at work. I brought strawberries and nuts for a snack and my tuna patties for lunch. I will close the day out at 116 oz of water. I remember a few weeks ago I would struggle to get 64oz in. Yesterday I only got 64 oz in and I have been so thirsty all day! Why is that ?!? I believe it has to do with changing my habits! It is no longer acceptable to only get 64oz of water in a day. My body is now using more water because I am giving it more water. No wonder I felt like hibernating all the time! I was not drinking nearly enough. Let alone the nutrients I was not eating!
Today I really started to get negative about not be allowed dairy and my chocolate. Like, I started thinking about downing some major nachos and dark chocolate candy bars. Today was just a super stressful day at work and I just wanted my cheese! After lunch I could not stop thinking about dark chocolate. I normally, after lunch and dinner will have a small piece of dark chocolate and it tells my body that it is satisfied and eating time is over. It's like the whole drooling dog scenario when the guy rang a bell. 'Pavlov's dog theory'. So I knew what would happen if I didn't do what I did. I would binge and eat any chocolate I could get my hands on. So, in order to do preventive damage control I went down to the gift shop and bought some dark chocolate almond bark. Broke off a piece, about a tbsp, and ate it. After I ate it, I did not feel guilty nor deprived and I went along with my day. When I got home I was extremely tired. I could not eat what I made for dinner and I just wanted to crawl into bed. So I made an egg white, mushroom burrito on a 100% whole wheat tortilla.
However I still could not get cheese off my mind. So again, I threw some mozzerella on my eggs put it in a tortilla and was super happy. I may have completely and totally screwed up my cleanse part of the challenge today. I don't know exactly how the cleanse works but I am sure they say no dairy for a reason. However, I knew had I not done what I did I would have just threw in the towel and ate a big plate of nachos tonight. So I did what was best for me. Do you know how you tick? Are you able to eat food in a controlled way or is it all or nothing with you? Are you able to keep junk in the house and not eat it? This is one thing I give weight watchers credit for teaching me, calorie counting and portion control. The bad thing about weight watchers is you can eat 10 candy bars a day if you wanted to use your points for that. There really isn't a big focus on eating clean or encouraging it.
So I told you I would tell you about the black bean soup. I made it for dinner tonight and it was absolutely terrible! I could not even eat it! I am so upset though because there was a pound of chicken in that soup! The recipe called for lime juice and I feel like had there not been the lime in it, it would have been eatable. This is what drove me to the egg white omelet. Oh well, you don't know what's good unless you try it!
So. Day 8 was kind of a down day for me but that's okay! I need to have down days in order to appreciate the fantastic days!
I can not wait until weigh in day on Thursday. I took a peek today and I almost fell on the floor in excitement. I ran into the bedroom and woke up my husband and shared the exciting news! I now officially weigh less than my husband! That! Is something to celebrate!

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