So. What is my plan. What am I going to do after the challenge. Honestly the last few days I have been wondering the same thing myself. However, I think I am going to take it day to day. I plan on eating as whole as I can. However, for example. Tonight I went to the grocery. I bought almonds, plain almonds. I also bought some habanero flavored almonds. I mixed them together. So I would only be eating half of the flavored ones. Yes, it's salt, yes, it's fake stuff I am putting in my body. Yes, it is not 100% clean eating. Ultimately, YOU have to do what YOU can live with. The challenge was great. It refocused me. It cleaned me out, it gave me hope! However, I have learned I have to make this eating plan my own. So. I have decided that I will continue blogging. I will post what I eat each day. I will also share my weigh in's, and tips I come across, recipes, exercises.... I want to inspire! I want to help others know that losing weight, this way, can still be done! I am more determined than ever to fight this! Until tmrw friends......
'What were your results?' 'How much did you lose?' These are the words I have been hearing for the last few days....
First, I will say I was disappointed. I am a numbers girl. I wanted to see that scale moving. I wanted to be at least 225 by the end of this challenge. However, 5 pounds in 24 days is extremely good for me! I would struggle to lose a pound a week! So, that I am happy with. The inches, I don't really care as much about BUT, 13 inches is like huge!
Day 24..... I can't believe I am here. It seemed fast, it seemed slow. The above photo is me 24 days ago. The changes are subtle, but they are there. It is important to take photos, measurements and yes, step on that scale. I will post the measurements and final poundage count on Friday.
All of this to say, I am so happy I did the challenge. I will be continuing with some of the supplements and the spark. It has forever changed how I look at and see food.
I hope, by documenting my journey I have inspired others to take their own journey. To take their health into their hands. This country is so sick with disease and illness. Most of these can be prevented with diet and exercise.

I will post on Friday my final results.