Day 22 was today. I was scheduled to be off work today but decided to pick up 8 hrs. I know myself all too well. If I wouldn't have picked up, I would have laid in bed watching tv all day.
So I drank my shake and got to work feeling sick. It took me awhile to get over feeling sick. I wanted to come home so badly, but I pushed through.

Today people were talking. I had two separate people comment about my complexion, my skin. 'You have great skin', 'people pay money for skin that looks like yours'. For me, it was a very strange compliment to get. Usually people compliment my hair (yes, it's naturally curly), or how pretty my makeup is that day or the biggest one , 'you smell good'. The skin thing is new and I can only think that it is AdvoCare.
I was also told today that it really looks like I am losing weight. People are noticing and they are saying things, complimenting me. I smile back and say 'Thank you, I have worked hard!' There is nothing worse than giving someone a compliment and then people act like it isn't a big deal. Or they try and be modest and humble. I am saying to you, think about who is giving you the compliment. It's hard for people to say 'great hair' or whatever they are complimenting. They don't want to be shot down with a 'well the lighting is wrong ' or ' I have no idea where you are getting this from'.

The next time someone gives you a compliment, accept it. Cherish it. You worked hard for it!
For me, receiving a compliment is adding fuel to my fire. You do this, eating right and exercising. You do it everyday, you look in the mirror everyday. You see little change because you are you, you are not seeing it happen. However, other people are. It's the people that don't see us often that notice the difference. It's like coming back home to your toddler after being gone a few days, you feel like they have grown 2 feet since you left! Or its like putting on some weight, going to grandma's and her saying ' wow! you have put on some weight! maybe you should stop eating!' ( True story, happenned for real !!!) People see you and think and hopefully say ' wow you look great! You have lost some weight!!' Instead of being bashful and saying 'oh go on' say ' Yes!!! Thank you for noticing! It truly helps me to keep going!' Make it add fuel to that fire! This will help you to continue on this road! Also, be the compliment giver too! If someone smells good, tell them! If someone has a great hair day, tell them! You will feel good giving the compliment and you will make their day too!

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