(My 2 beautiful baby girls. They are my life.)
Day 10: A full day of work. I do so much better on a schedule! Of course today was a long, long, weird day at work. Just a lot of weirdness went on. It was a mentally exhausting day. The box of chocolate that was in the break room was calling my name. My snacks are NOT what I wanted today. Why? Well, I was tired and fed up with dealing with people. I just wanted a candy bar and I wanted to crawl in bed. Well, that is exactly what got me into this mess! Or one of the things anyway.
It was a joyous morning before work. Why? You ask? Like you have to ask!!! Today, was my final day drinking the fiber cleanse shake. I made it! The peaches and cream was not bad. It was very tasty but drinking it first thing in the morning was sometimes a challenge. If you are a morning person and have that 'get up and go' first thing, you won't have a problem.
As most of you know the challenge is done in two phases. The first ten days is the cleanse phase. You follow the directions on the cleanse box, you have the meal replacement shakes and the spark. People also opt for the catalyst and the omega. I did take this option. The 2nd phase is the max phase. This is when you start packing your body full of nutrients because you have been cleaned out, your body's metabolism is ready to go! So tonight I had my husband take my measurements again.... I had him do them because he knows how to measure... He builds stuff.... Like cat houses and beds that have ceilings and trailers. He is amazing! I love you 'B'! My husband, i have to give him the praise here. He wanted me tondo this challenge so bad. We did not have the money to do it. However God provided a side job. Brian gave me every cent to pay for the challenge. He was so excited for me. He is still excited for me. So, he is the one who made it possible for me to do this challenge. Thank you babe. So. He is a master with the measuring tape. Now he is a master.... But when he gave me the numbers.... I did not believe him. I made him measure again. Are we ready?!?! You wanna know?!?!!!
In ten days, I have lost a total of 13.75 inches..... Say What?!?!?! Ya'll I am on fire! 13.75 inches!!!!!!
Tmrw I will post before measurements and after measurements, with my starting weight and weight after ten days. Guys. This is the secret weapon we all dream about!
If there was ever a time, it's now. If you want to see results, It's Advocare. It's the 24 Day Challenge...... It has changed my life.
4/18/2013 11:11:35 am

Way to go!


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